Saturday, June 4, 2011

Great Speech about Faith & Freedom

I am working on a longer blog post about how libertarianism and Christianity are not at odds with each other, as many seem to think. In the meantime, a small taste of that topic is in the following video. Dr. Ron Paul spoke at the Faith and Freedom Coalition 2011 conference this past week. Please watch and let me know what you think.


  1. I think its great that he walked out to guns and roses, has my hopes up for the speach

  2. In reference to abortion; If me and my wife conceived a child and someone were to attack my wife causing here to have a miscarriage I would want to press charges for the murder of our unborn child... on the flipside just because someone doesnt want a person to be alive killing them would not be excused.

  3. I like that he used the reasons the bible gives for small gov, Its weird that I have never even put the two together.
    A lot of his Views are good but I still wonder how you implement it in a country that depends on social programs to take care of those in need, and expects the government to solver their problems. Even if he had a rock solid plan how will he get elected when so many people would think their world is ending with smaller government

  4. Nice post, Real Tony. Self government is self control, a fruit of the Spirit in excellent company with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and faithfulness. Self control along with the other fruits of the Spirit are foundational for families, churches and social order. There will only be excellence in families, churches and social order with self government/self control.

  5. Ron Paul is the BEST. What more can I say.

  6. Ron Paul is well worth listening to. The news media refers to him as an economics expert before election time, because of his accurate predictions.

    However now that we are in election mode, the media refers to him as their "crazy uncle". Strange isn't it?


I want to know what you think. Please comment, but please keep it clean. Thanks!